Dawn Wilde Burgess, Community Health Promotion Supervisor with Macon County, NC has been busy developing an promoting a successful Faithful Families program. Macon County Public Health worked with Holly Springs Baptist Church and other faith communities to implement the program, with assistance from the Community Transformation Grant program in their region. They were met with great success – in one congregation 86% of participants reported eating smaller portions and 86% of participants reported they were more mindful about what they ate.
The congregations have implemented policy and environmental changes as well, including identifying heart healthy foods, adopting a water policy, adopting a tobacco policy to
include e-cigarette usage, adopting a Move More policy, and creating a joint use agreement for a walking area.
To learn more about their success, check out Snapshots of Success-EBS at Work-Macon County-Healthy in Body and Soul (1) from the Center for Healthy North Carolina. You can also learn about their program through this case study video from MountainWise.