Our Strategies
Healthy Eating
Individual and social impact: Faithful Families helps faith community members to develop new skills and set goals for healthy eating. Faithful Families is also intentional about working with faith communities to consider ways they can find and incorporate fresh, local produce. Results from our program show:

The curriculum covers:
- Basic nutrition
- Strategies for planning, shopping, and preparing healthy, tasty meals
- Recipe taste tests and cooking demonstrations
- How to read and use nutrition labels
- Ways to control portion sizes and limiting consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
- Ways to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
Organizational impact: Faithful Families works with each faith community to consider ways they can help their organization to adopt healthy eating practices. Through Faithful Families, faith communities have established policies to serve water and/or unsweetened beverages at all events, established guidelines that all meals offered at the faith community must follow healthy food guidelines, and have even provided space and time for breastfeeding.
Browse our tools for policy and environmental change ideas related to healthy eating »
Community impact: Faithful Families support faith communities to extend their reach into the local community by connecting to local resources, coalitions, and community organizations. Through Faithful Families, faith communities have joined local coalitions working to increase access to healthy foods. A faith community has also established an on-site farmers market to increase access to local food for the community.