by Annie Hardison-Moody
Thanks to the hard work of Faithful Families facilitators and faith communities across North Carolina, we have been featured in some local and national publications recently. Check out our latest news:
Faculty members invited to Let’s Move event at the White House – Faithful Families and our partner program, Voices into Action: The families, food and health project were invited to a Let’s Move meeting at the White House on March 6th. From their website, “Let’s Move! is a comprehensive initiative, launched by the First Lady, dedicated to solving the problem of obesity within a generation, so that children born today will grow up healthier and able to pursue their dreams.” We can’t wait to let you know what we learn at the meeting about Let’s Move resources for faith-based and community partners! Stay tuned for updates, links to tools and programs, and photos from our trip.
North Carolina Faith Communities Eat Smart and Move More – The USDA featured our work, along with Voices into Action on their blog. One of our Faithful Families congregations, First Baptist Church of Sanford, NC was highlighted.
Do you have news to report on what you have been doing with Faithful Families? Share your success with us! Email Annie at amhardis@ncsu.edu or leave us a comment here.