We are excited to announce that on a quarterly basis, the Faithful Families team will be hosting a series of webinars on topics that relate to your work with Faithful Families. Please be sure to mark your calendars and register for the webinars using the links below. These webinars are open to facilitators in North Carolina, as well as our partners out of state.
Please note that there are different registration links for NC Extension employees and non-NC Extension employees.
Social Media January 25th 1:30 – 2:30pm
Emily Foley, Extension Associate with the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program offered an overview of best practices for increasing Faithful Families recruitment, retention, and engagement through social media.
Recording available from: https://collaborate.wolfware.ncsu.edu/watch/?watch_recording_id=eurep7RCRmc
*NOTE: Please give 2-3 weeks for this MP4 recording to be available!
Local Foods/Farmers’ Market Tours April 25th 1:00pm – 2:00pm
Dr. Dara Bloom, Local Foods Extension Specialist, and Dr. Annie Hardison-Moody, Faithful Families Director, will share information about a new farmers’ market tour program that you can implement as part of your Faithful Families programming. Additionally, Dr. Bloom will share strategies to incorporate local foods messaging and programming into your Faithful Families work.
To register:
NC Extension Employees: http://newton.ces.ncsu.edu/xlms/event_display.php?event_id=3776
Health Department/non-Extension/outside NC: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19MpA5cLGMWm7mPCywL1BgqEG4oID43qtVjw11LuPaLY/viewform?usp=send_form
Strategies for Promoting Physical Activity July 27th 2016 1:00 – 2:00pm
Learn more about how to promote physical activity through Faithful Families from experts at the North Carolina Division of Public Health. Additionally, we will discuss strategies to encourage faith communities to open up their facilities for “shared use” of physical activity spaces.
To register:
NC Extension Employees: http://newton.ces.ncsu.edu/xlms/event_display.php?event_id=3862
Health Department/non-Extension/outside NC: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19MpA5cLGMWm7mPCywL1BgqEG4oID43qtVjw11LuPaLY/viewform?usp=send_form
Connecting with Chronic Disease Prevention Programs November 16th 1:00 – 2:00pm
In this webinar, we will share information about chronic disease prevention programs that might be of interest to the faith community members with whom you work. Learn about innovative projects, including a new Faithful Families program through SNAP-Ed in North Carolina, as well as local programs your participants might want to utilize.
To register:
NC Extension Employees: http://newton.ces.ncsu.edu/xlms/event_display.php?event_id=3863
Health Department/non-Extension/outside NC: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19MpA5cLGMWm7mPCywL1BgqEG4oID43qtVjw11LuPaLY/viewform?usp=send_form