A goal for our blog is to promote resources and tools that can help you with your Faithful Families programs. Check out these resources online and look for future posts about how to connect with these national and local programs:
Eat Smart Move More North Carolina – Resources for Faith Communities
These free resources from Eat Smart Move More North Carolina can help your faith community to adopt policies, practices and environmental changes that support healthy eating and physical activity.
My Eat Smart Move More is a consumer website with recipes, tools and tips to help you eat healthier foods and move more!
Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
In North Carolina, EFNEP is administered through NC State University and NC A & T State University. For decades, EFNEP has been helping limited resource youth and families with children learn how to eat healthier meals and snacks, stretch their food dollars and reduce the risk of food-borne illnesses.
Let’s Move – Neighborhood and Faith-Based Communities
Learn how your faith community can become a part of the national Let’s Move initiative and download a free toolkit for faith and community leaders!
National Episcopal Health Ministries
National Episcopal Health Ministries educates and supports Episcopal leaders in health ministry, providing resources to congregations and partnering with faith communities and organizations to promote health.
North Carolina Council of Churches Partners in Health and Wholeness
The Partners in Health and Wholeness Initiative from the NC Council of Churches develops worship aids to promote health, provides certification and mini-grants for faith communities that promote health and wholeness, and facilitates congregations to serve as health centers in their community.
Voices into Action: The Families, Food and Health Project
Voices into Action is a five-year USDA funded research-to-action project out of NC State University, NC A&T State University and NC Cooperative Extension that partners with communities in Lee, Harnett Counties and Southeast Raleigh to promote access to healthy foods and places to be active.
Wake Forest Divinity School’s Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative
The Wake Forest Divinity School’s Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative creates courses, trains ministry students, and builds partnerships to promote and create more redemptive food systems.