If your faith community is in need of funding support for supplies, outreach efforts, or educational events you would like to do between now and June 29, 2019, the Cancer Prevention and Control Branch, N.C. can help!
WHAT: Cancer Community Outreach and Education Partnerships (Partnership(s) are limited, one-time funding opportunities to help supplement organization efforts working to reduce the burden of cancer and chronic disease in North Carolina. Applicants must be a registered 501c3 Nonprofit Organization and in good standing with the State of North Carolina.
WHY: The Cancer Community Outreach and Education Partnerships (Partnership(s) are designed to facilitate partner collaborations, networking and resource sharing, outreach, education and training opportunities to address the burden of cancer and chronic disease in North Carolina.

WHO: Supported by the Cancer Prevention and Control Branch, N.C. Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Public Health – Chronic Disease and Injury Section
WHEN: If you are interested in this funding opportunity, please submit an application as soon as possible!
HOW: Eligible Partnerships would need to complete and submit an application requesting support for a plan of action and use of data to implement initiatives that: engage collaborative partnerships and communities to increase knowledge of N.C. priority cancers, cancer prevention and control, increase demand of early detection services, make linkages to care and treatment follow up, patient navigation, and survivorship support resources and services, increase cancer survivor knowledge regarding lifestyle behaviors for better quality of life, increase provider knowledge of guidelines for treatment of cancer survivors.

The application is found HERE and includes detailed instructions. Also, if needed, we’ve include a State of North Carolina Substitute W9 Form. Feel free to contact Cancer Prevention and Control Branch, N.C. (contact information below) for additional information.
Division of Public Health, Cancer Prevention and Control Branch
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Office: 919-707-5300
5505 Six Forks Road, Room 1-1 D12A
Raleigh, NC 27609