In partnership with many local partners and Cooperative Extension agents, who distributed the survey across the state, NC State University researchers carried out a COVID-19 Food Security and Health Behaviors Survey this spring. We are excited to share the important preliminary results of this survey, which can help to inform next steps in planning a public health system response to this crisis, particularly related to access to food and physical activity.
Please save the dates for the following webinar series, where we will discuss findings from the survey as well as local responses to the COVID-19 pandemic:
Webinar 1: “Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Health Behavior to Build a Public Health System Responsive to Crises in North Carolina”
Presenter: Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural & Human Sciences, NC State
Monday, July 27: 1-2pm EST
Register here
Webinar 2: “Leveraging Community Organizations to Support Physical Activity During COVID-19”
Presenters: Jason Bocarro, Professor, Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management, NC State; Breyana Davis, Food & Built Environments Extension Associate, Steps to Health, NC State; Lauren Morris, Nutrition Educator, Steps to Health, NC State; Annie Hardison-Moody, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural & Human Sciences, NC State; Kim Eshleman, Special Projects Manager, NC State
Monday, August 3: 1-2pm EST
Register here
Webinar 3: “Food Security Resources during COVID-19”
Presenters: Annie Hardison-Moody, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural & Human Sciences, NC State; Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, Associate Professor & Extension Specialist, Department of Agricultural & Human Sciences, NC State; and NC Cooperative Extension Family & Consumer Science Agents
Monday, August 10: 1-2pm EST
Register here
Registration is required and the webinars will be recorded and posted on the Faithful Families website.
Please share information about this webinar series widely. Here is a link to download a flier that you can use to publicize the events.