I am having to face facts, whether I like it or not, I am getting older and I need to add a fresh dimension to my exercise routine. I know you don’t have to join a gym, train for a 5K, or buy expensive gear, but I have found a great way to motivate yourself is to team up with a fitness buddy. I cannot think of a better buddy than my granddaughter!
We all know that children learn from role models. “Grandparents are in a perfect position to [be that] role model” by stressing the importance of living an active lifestyle.I say if the older generation takes the younger generation by the hand and engages them in little bits of activity together, they are doing an extraordinary service to the health and well-being of their grandchildren.
Playing tag, jumping rope, playing Simon Says or biking to a destination instead of driving, or playing Wii instead of watching TV encourages kids to be active. Next time you are with your grandchildren, use playtime as a way to get the heart pumping.
Be goofy and encourage movement. Before you know it, your grandchildren will have so much fun they won’t even realize they’re exercising.
Try playing these games with the kids. Besides getting a workout, you’ll all get a wealth of laughs.