Do you want to learn more about what North Carolina faith communities are doing to promote physical activity? If yes, check out the newly released North Carolina Faith-based Organization Facility Use Assessment Report and Executive Summary. The Assessment was conducted through a partnership between Faithful Families Eating Smart and Moving More, N.C. Council of Churches: Partners in Health and Wholeness, N.C. Division of Public Health (Community Transformation Grant Project and the Community and Clinical Connections for Prevention and Health Branch), and Voices Into Action: The Families Food, and Health Project.
The Report and Executive Summary provide information on the development, implementation and results of the Faith-based Organization Facility Use Assessment that can be used by anyone who is involved in implementing shared use policies and/or agreements in faith-based organizations including faith community staff and congregants, health officials and community residents. We hope that this report will help to guide the work of shared use efforts within North Carolina faith-based organizations.
Click here to download the Report and Executive Summary: http://www.eatsmartmovemorenc.com/Faith.html.